Motion Infographic

Hannah Florentine
4 min readOct 12, 2020

*I never uploaded my audio because I was scared Medium would strike me with copyright again.


I first looked at three topics that already interested me in order to not only better understand them but to also begin my research, the topics I looked up are Social Media and its effects on your mental health, Bee’s and their importance, and lastly why voting is important.

Social Media; and its effects on your mental health:


Why voting is important:

Big Idea:

I’ve decided to move forward with the topic of honey bee’s and their importance. While bee’s have gotten more spotlight over time I still think that people fail to realize the bee’s supply us with more than just honey. In fact about 80% of the worlds plants which includes 90 different food crops. I want to shed light on the fact that we could not survive without bee’s. My target audience for this is ages 18–24. From this I hope that the audience can become more familiar with the ideas of bee’s and all they do and no longer fear them.


First draft:

What is viewed as a common annoyance is actually a gift in disguise. We need bee’s in order to survive. Without them the food we consume would not be pollinated, 1/3 of our global food supply is pollinated by bee’s.. 1/3!! Rapidly bee’s are declining, which could lead in the decline of us.. humans. The increase in pesticides has resulted in the decline of the bee population, When it comes to the survival of bee’s and the planet we cannot afford to be ignorant.

Second draft:

What is viewed as a common annoyance is actually a gift in disguise. We need bees in order to survive. Without them the food we consume would not be pollinated, 1/3 of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. We would be unable to enjoy most of our favorite fruits, vegetables or nuts without these pollinators. Not only do bees help with our food supply, but they also help us economically, the value of pollination from bees is estimated at around $16 billion in the United States alone. Rapidly, though bees are declining which could lead in the decline of us, humans. The increase in pesticides has resulted in the decline of the bee population. Instead of using such harsh chemicals try and substitute those with organic products. Check for these labels. Above all support local beekeepers and other organizations. When it comes to the survival of bees and the planet we cannot afford to be ignorant. For more information about why we should do our part to save the bees, check out these websites.


Story Board

Rough storyboard

2s test

exercise 5

10s motion

Final motion

